Engineering Services

Home Engineering Services

Geology & Geophysics

Basin & Regional Field Studies in addition to 3D geocellular modeling


Modeling of mechanical properties for fracture stimulation, wellbore failure modeling and analyzing complex stress regimes

Advanced Petrophysics

Beyond standard triple combo data, WDVGE are experts in NMR, dielectric, acoustic and image log interpretation

3D Hydraulic Fracture Modeling

Geomechanical fracture simulation incorporating fracture and fluid mechanics from lab results

Reservoir Simulation

Simulation of complex organic mudstone pore-fluid systems through our proprietary model & workflow

Data Analytics

Incorporating all available data from the subsurface to operations to understand production performance drivers

Production Analysis

From decline curves to RTA, WDVGE can forecast volumes for SEC reserve reports, asset valuations and throughput studies

Financial Due Diligence

Engineering and commercial analysis to appropriately value assets/companies for acquisitions and reserve-based lending